Information on Engineering Studies and Careers

Compiled below are information and resources of interest to pre-college students interested in engineering, categorized as follows:

Pre-College Student-Focused Websites – Specific online sources of information and other resources.

Introductory Summer Camps/Programs for Youth (opens a new window) – Great “hands-on,” academic-oriented opportunities to explore what engineering is all about during the summer.

Engineering Societies (Overarching, Discipline/Field-Specific, and Women/Minority-Focused) (opens a new window) – A good place to explore the different engineering disciplines and fields that employ engineers; the listing also includes women/minority-focused societies that can be a great help in your engineering journey.

In addition, we have compiled some information of our own to help introduce you to the possibilities:

Answering Your Common Questions About Engineering And Engineers: A one page handout  that answers the questions most commonly raised by pre-college students.

Overview of Engineering Majors/Disciplines - Offering concise summary descriptions of the each of the common - and some not-so-common - engineering majors offered by schools.

A Quick Guide to Colleges Offering Engineering Degrees - A handout providing a convenient summary listing (by state) of all U.S. colleges offering accredited bachelor's degrees in engineering, noting the specific engineering majors offered by each school.

FAQs About Engineering and Engineering Technology - Addressing the significant differences that exist between the fields of Engineering and Engineering Technology.

Overview of Computing Disciplines/Degree Programs - Offering a good introduction to the wide-ranging academic field of "computing," which includes computer science and engineering and software engineering.


Pre-College Student-Focused Websites:

Design Squad Nation: A companion website to the popular PBS Kids TV series "Design Squad."

eGFI (Engineering, Go For It!): A website seeking to serve as a guide/resource for both pre-college students and K-12 educators. The website is put forth by the American Society for Engineering Education, the professional society for engineering educators (i.e., college professors). An associated  key publication offered is the eGFI magazine - a 60-page guide designed to attract high school students to engineering careers ($7).

Engineer Girl!: A website seeking to spark young women’s interest in engineering as a career. Put forth by the National Academy of Engineers.

Engineer Your Life: A website offering an online guide to engineering aimed at high school girls. Put forth by a coalition of engineering organizations.

Fire Protection Engineering: A website promoting fire protection engineering careers, offering information and resources primarily aimed at pre-college students. Put forth by the Society of Fire Protection Engineers.

Manufacturing is Cool: A website promoting manufacturing engineering careers, offering information and resources aimed at pre-college students, along with parents, teachers and guidance counselors. Put for by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers.

NerdGirls: Breaking the Stigmas and Stereotypes of Women in Engineering: Website seeking to encourage young women to pursue engineering and science careers by showcasing a team of women engineering students at Tufts University building and demonstrating a solar-powered car.

New Faces of Engineering: A website profiling young engineers 2 to 5 years out of school as selected for recognition each year by various engineering societies. Put forth as part of "EWeek" (National Engineers Week, the third week in February).

New Faces of Engineering: College Edition: A website profiling 15 engineering students as selected for recognition each year by various engineering societies. Put forth as part of "EWeek" (National Engineers Week, the third week in February).

Sightseers Guide to Engineering: A website profiling sights around the nation where one can see engineering in action (museums, visitor centers, unique structures, etc) . Put forth by the National Society of Professional Engineers.

Sloan Career Cornerstone Center: A website serving as a resource center for those interested in or actively pursuing careers in engineering, mathematics, information technology, and the physical sciences.  Offers education, networking, job-hunting, and career planning resources aimed at both high school and college students, along with parents, teachers and guidance counselors. It is a web-based version of the Sloan Career Cornerstone Series, a popular set of CD-ROMs and videotapes that revolve around personal interviews with over 400 individuals offering candid insight into their career paths. Put forth by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

TryEngineering: A website offering resources on engineering careers aimed at students, their parents, their teachers and their student counselors. Put forth by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in conjunction with IBM.


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